Choreographic mentoring program

Our mentoring program has been hugely successful at our past concerts - creating some stand out performances!

We're excited to bring it back in 2024. 

If you have got a dream to create your own piece or are interested in learning more about choreographic processes, the 6P Choreographic Mentoring Program is for you!

The aim of the program is to provide an avenue for you to choreograph, teach and stage a small performance piece, with guidance from a 6P mentor.

The cost of the program is $350 and participants can expect the following:

  • 5 x one-on-one hours with your mentor

  • 1 x choreographic workshop

  • 6 x hours of complimentary studio hire

  • Teaching, staging and performance opportunity on 26 October 2024

To apply, please write a one-page pitch telling us:

  • the story / idea you want to express

  • the dance style you envisage the piece taking (e.g. jazz, lyrical, ballet, tap etc)

  • why you're an awesome candidate and what you hope to gain from the Choreographic Mentor Program.

Please email your pitch to by no later than Wednesday 24th July.

Solo performance expression of interest

If choreography isn't your thing, but you'd love the chance to push your performance skills, we're offering the chance to perform a solo, choreographed by one of our teachers. This is for dancers elementary level and up. Please leave the assigning of teachers to us! Once you’ve given us your information we will find a teacher that suits you.

The cost of this opportunity is $320 and includes:

  • A complete choreographed piece

  • 5 x one-hour private lessons

  • 5 hours additional studio hire to rehearse

  • Staging and performance opportunity on 26th October.

    If you would like to do a duo or trio please contact us to discuss

Email with the following information by no later than Wednesday 24th July:

  • Your name

  • Style you would like to perform

  • Your level

  • Your availability for private lessons.

Please note, places are limited and will depend on student, teacher and studio availability.