We’ve compiled a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) to help you understand how the concert enrolment will work. If you’ve read this and still have questions, get in touch!

  • It’s a chance for our students to showcase all their hard work over the year. It’s for all levels even if you’ve only just started dancing!

    We take 10 weeks to learn a routine, organise costumes and then get to perform it on stage in October! 

    Our beginners always report that they are so glad they went for it and gave it go! We have a really supportive space so there's no need to be nervous to sign up, you're in good hands!

  • Enrolments open Wednesday July 3 and must close Wednesday August 7. This is so our teachers can know their numbers and who they are working with.

  • We had an absolute ball last year at The Q however due to unavailability we are heading back to CCPAC.

    To make up for the smaller theatre we decided to put on two shows!

    Due to the smaller venue students will not be able to watch the show unless they purchase a ticket.

    By signing up to the concert you are committing to both shows and being at the theatre all day.

  • As mentioned in our concert information you will need to be at CCPAC by 5pm for our tech rehearsal.

    Please organise to leave work early as we want to get this done as quickly as possible.

    Teachers will be at the theatre earlier to plot lights so that when you arrive you can get yourself familiar with the space, where you need to stand on stage and to get at least two run throughs done.

    Making this a quick and easy process. We hope to block Act 1 and then run through with costumes so that students can practice any quick changes they may have. Then move on to ACT 2.

    We hope to have you all out of the theatre by 9pm.

  • Hoping that our tech run goes smoothly we hope that you won’t need to be at the theatre until about 11am.

    This will give you time to find a spot for your things and for our warm up on stage. The first concert is at 1pm.

    The running time of our concert is usually about an hour and a half with a 20 minute interval.

    Our 1pm show will be a bit quicker as there will be no awards.

    Our 7pm show will have a little speech and awards - don’t worry we only have three awards and we are pretty pro by now to make it quick.

    We hate the sitting around too!

  • A payment plan option is available at checkout. You need to use your web browser (not the app) to be able to select these.

    Please note the first payment is slightly higher to enable timely purchase of costumes.

  • Some intermediate and advanced level classes may allow you to join without performing for the first 6 weeks of class. Please contact us

    You cannot join beginner, advanced-beginner or open level classes without performing during the concert period.

    You should be aware that the concert piece is priority. You may be asked to step to the side while positioning or other choreographic processes are occurring.

  • If you change your mind within the first three weeks of the enrolment course, you can request a partial refund, excluding the concert fee and initial three weeks of classes.

    Requests after the first three weeks will not be refundable without a valid medical certificate.

  • Yes, there are a couple of classes which are still running as casual/drop-in classes. These are:

    • Wednesday 4:30 - 6pm
      Ballet and Conditioning Adv.Beginner - Advanced

    • Saturday 8:45 - 9:30am
      Pilates for Dance

    • Saturday 9:30 - 11am
      Advanced Beginner Ballet

    • Saturday 9:30 - 11am
      Beginner Ballet

    • Sunday 11am - 12:30pm
      Elementary Ballet

  • Your fee for enrolment covers classes, blocking rehearsal, costume hire, and the performance

    Unfortunately, we cannot provide discounts for absences for these classes.

  • Unlimited dance passes will be suspended during the concert enrolment period.

    We will contact weekly dance pass holders to confirm if they want to suspend their dance pass.

  • All pass expiry dates will be extended by 3 months to cover the concert enrolment period. Should this mean you are unable to use your pass, please email -

  • If you miss up to two classes, you will need to catch up using video recordings and talking to your fellow students.

    If you will be away for more than two classes, please email to discuss whether you will be able to keep up. If you will miss too many classes, it may not be possible for you to perform, however this will be assessed on a case by case basis and may depend on teacher availability for catch up sessions.

    Unfortunately, we cannot provide discounts for absences for these classes.

  • By running the concert pieces as an enrolment, we ensure all performers can make it to class sessions. Having a consistent group enables choreographers to position dancers and helps everyone feel confident to learn the full piece in time.

    While we will miss any dancers who are unable to attend during this time, we hope to see you back after the concert.